The self portrait I've chosen is one of the many I took after the hubs and I returned from getting his 30th birthday present... Cheesecake style pin-up photos of moi. (For those of you unfamiliar with this style of retro pin-up, it's that of the 40's and 50's where the women were still sexy and beautiful without having to be naked. Showing a little garter & stocking with a smirk was all the rage.) At any rate... as hubs and I are big fans of the photography, I searched high and low for a classy place that gave superb results as it originally was going to be a surprise for his second tour in Iraq. (Luckily he was medically discharged before then and it turned into a 30th B-day present). We traveled out to Baltimore to the home of Atomic Cheesecake Studios where the wonderful Action Girl (aka Stacey B) did the most amazing job on hair, makeup and photography. I couldn't stop smiling as the whole experience made me feel empowered and beautiful. (Not that the hubs doesn't tell me I'm a beauty every day but looking flawless and seeing his jaw drop in new ways was even more empowering than usual!) After getting home I felt I couldn't just wash the makeup off without getting a few photographs of my own. The best one is the following self portrait in the bathroom mirror.
ps. Be sure to check out Retro Lovely. It's a new retro pin-up magazine and one of the sexy scientist photos from my shoot was used in issue #2 =)
I really like the feel of this photo - very nice!
You look gorgeous - I think all women should take the opportunity to do something that makes them feel hot!
Thanks ladies. =)
Lisa - It did turn out to be a great photo (no crops...)
Ashley - All women should do something like Atomic Cheesecake even if it's just for themselves. It's such an ego boost to be a model for a day! ;)
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